Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Alcoholism: Has Drinking become a social norm in teenagers?

This video showed us how alcohol is being taken for leisure and that it gives the mindset that it is alright for teenagers now a days to be binge drinking and having unhealthy relationship all the time.

Alcoholism is one of the sources of addiction for teens and adults, of the 20,000 commerials advertised yearly, 2,000 is strongly related to alcoholic content. Subliminally implanting into the minds of the youths that consumption of alcoholic beverage is a form of ritual transititioning from teen to adult which is heavily reflected today in American culture. (Victor, C. S. 2009). Although most children don't start drinking until the pre-teen or teen years, belief in media messages that drinking is a positive or desirable social activity is already developing since young. Children who receive little or no information about alcohol from other sources are most likely to believe the messages in alcohol advertisements.

Children and adolescents tend to learn more about alcohol from television and beer advertising than from more balanced sources such as parents, leaving them more knowledgeable about brands of beer than about potential health risks associated with drinking.
Drinking has been conceived to youths as a form of social norm, where people are encouraged to take up alcohol as a form of leisure activity etc. in parties or in clubs, adding to the problems of alcohol faced in the present world.

In conclusion, media plays a major part in portraying how society thinks about drinking and that these advertisers and companies have a single mindedness of profiting instead of looking at it healthily.

1 comment:

  1. You have taken an interesting look at the portrayal of health issues in media. You have also provided scholarly research and your personal observations on the topic. However, I would love to see more examples (from different forms of media) too.
